You need help about ZwiiCMS not Zwii Campus which is a LMS tool.
ZwiiCMS Title and meta description are located under language options.
Click on the flag in the admin bar, then click on Site , select the website language name, English in your case and click the pencil button. Here you are.
To change the title, you open the configuration page (top right gear icon) You take the first tab identity label and it's below in "Site identity".
In the menu next to the gears there is an icon with a flag to change language...
If any further questions, don't hesitate.
thanks for ur respond,
am stuck here =>
You need help about ZwiiCMS not Zwii Campus which is a LMS tool.
ZwiiCMS Title and meta description are located under language options.
Click on the flag in the admin bar, then click on Site , select the website language name, English in your case and click the pencil button. Here you are.
Hope it will help.
Sorry, i was on my zwiicampus website it's little different then zwiicms
So, in the bar at the top left, you click on the little flag (languages)
Select site tab
click the little pencil in Installed languages and you change the title in site identity
its work, thanks guys !
one more thing please, is it possible in the form module to have a number input field not text?
There is a brand new input “number “ template in the Zwii framework. I might add it to the form module if I get some free time. ;)